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预警!美国拟对东南亚设厂光伏企业发起反规避调查         ★★★
作者:进出口经理人    文章来源:进出口经理人    点击数:4038    更新时间:2021/9/1

    来自中国机电商会相关部门的最新消息称,当地时间2021816日,美国太阳能制造商向美国商务部提交申请,要求对特定生产商生产的、用产自中国的硅片等上游部件,在越南、泰国及马来西亚完成组装并出口美国的晶体硅光伏电池及组件(CrystallineSilicon Photovoltaic Cells WhetherorNot Partially or FullyAssembled Into Other Products),分别发起反规避调查。








    马来西亚Jinko Solar Technology Sdn.Bhd.LONGi (Kuching) Sdn. Bhd. 及其附属公司Vina Cell Technology Company LimitedVina Solar Technology Company LimitedJA Solar (Malaysia) Co., Ltd.JA Solar Malaysia Sdn.Bhd


    泰国Canadian Solar Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.Trina Solar Science & Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd.Talesun Solar Technologies ThailandTalesun Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd.Astroenergy Solar Thailand Co., Ltd


    越南Trina Solar (Vietnam) Science & Technology Co., Ltd.Canadian Solar Manufacturing (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.China Sunergy Co., Ltd.越南公司;Boviet Solar Technology (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.Boviet Solar Technology Co., Ltd.GCL System Integration Technology (Vietnam) Co. Ltd.Vina Cell Technology Company LimitedVina Solar Technology Company LimitedLONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.JinkoSolar (Vietnam) Co., Ltd


    据海关统计,2020年我方对美出口光伏产品约4.5亿美元,同比增长125%。而据了解,申请人及主张本案的申请人为American Solar Manufacturers Against Chinese Circumvention,为美国国内产业联盟。申请人认为,美国对原产于中国的太阳能电池征收反倾销/反补贴税后,中国上下游一体化的生产商开始在东南亚各地建立电池和组件装配厂,同时继续依赖中国的劳动力、原材料和投入。中国生产商制定了一个规避计划,即把只需要少量加工的光伏电池产品的生产过程转移到第三国,同时尽可能多地将受补贴的供应链和劳动力保留在中国,以达到规避反倾销/反补贴关税的明确目的。


    申请人强调,尽管美国商务部曾经认定,在第三国(如越南)使用来自中国的、不带 P/N节的硅片生产的光伏电池片/光伏组件不在税令范围内。但是,美国商务部之前也曾解释过,在原产地问题上对实质性转变的认定,不同于根据《1930年关税法》第781节对那些在第三国组装的产品是否正在规避反倾销/反补贴税令的认定。






    美国企业向有关公司发难,在今年也不是第一次。当地时间202182, 美国Auxin Solar公司和Suniva公司根据美国《1974年贸易法案》相关规定,向美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)提交请愿书,申请对即将到期的进口晶体硅光伏电池和组件(Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells Whetheror Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products)保障措施加以延长。该措施自201827日起实施,有效期4年。预计ITC将很快发起调查,以确定是否对该保障措施加以延长。机电商会正在联系企业积极应对,并将根据企业需求提供帮助。






USindustry petitions Commerce to address alleged solar AD/CVD dodging


August 17 2021 at 547


A group of USsolar manufacturers on Monday filed petitions with the Commerce Department alleging that Chinese companies are evading antidumping and countervailing duty orders on crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells and modules and calling for duties to be extended to circumventing entities outside of China


The industry groupcalling itself the American Solar Manufacturers Against Chinese Circumvention (or “A-SMACC”)requested that Commerce investigate imports of certain solar products from companies in Vietnam Malaysia and Thailand, where it says components are diverted from China and go through “minor processing” to circumvent AD/CVD ordersaccording to petitions on each country. A-SMACC is a coalition of several domestic solar manufacturesThe names of its members are redacted in the petitions seen by Inside USTrad


The USInternational Trade Commission initiated AD/CVD investigations into imports of CSPV cells from China in November 2011, and Commerce imposed AD/CVD orders in December 2012, according to the petitionsFollowing a review in 2019Commerce determined the orders should continue


The petitioners note that the orders apply to cells “whether or not assembled into modules” and state that Commerce has found that “cells manufactured in China, modules manufactured in China with Chinese cellsand modules manufactured in third countries from Chinese cells are subject to the Orders


According to the petitionsUSimports of solar cells and modules from China dropped significantly after the orders were imposedwith an 86 percent decline in the value of Chinese imports of the products from 2011 to 2020 Meanwhileimports from VietnamMalaysia and Thailand have risen considerablythe industry group wrote The USin 2020 imported more than $1.6 billion worth of the products from Vietnam$2.3 billion worth of the products from Malaysia and $1.4 billion worth of the products from Thailand, compared to $1.3 million$576 million and about $336,000, respectivelyin 2011according to the petitions


A-SMACC contends that imports from those countries rely on Chinese-origin inputs and states that China’s dominance in the solar industry has only increased since the AD/CVD orders took effect


“While Chinese companies now almost exclusively export to the United States from Southeast Asia, the vast majority of manufacturing, research and development, and capital investment remain in China,” the group said in a statement. “In cases like this the law is clear; the duties on Chinese solar products should be extended to circumventing entities. Otherwise, it is likely that our industry will succumb to monopoly control, our energy security will be at risk, and the Biden Administration’s goal to Build Back Better with clean energy manufacturing will be gravely imperiled


According to the petitioners, China is especially dominant in the solar wafer market, accounting for 93 percent of global wafer production in 2018


In addition to the AD/CVD orders on Chinese solar products the USin 2018 imposed tariffs on silicon photovoltaic cells and modules. The ITC earlier this month opened an investigation into whether to extend that remedy, imposed under Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974. The tariffs are set to expire next year The probe followed a request from two USsolar manufacturers that said extending the remedy was critical to ensuring US“solar energy independence”and expressed a commitment to on-shoring the solar supply chain, including components like cells and wafers


Solar panel materials from China also have sparked forced-labor concerns. U.S. Customs and Borders Protection in June issued a withhold-release order on silica-based products -- critical solar panel materials -- made by Hoshine Silicon Industry Co.,Ltd., and its subsidiaries based on “information reasonably indicating” the company uses forced laboraccording to a White House statement. About half of the world’s polysilicon comes from Xinjiangwhere China has come under fire for its detainment of Uyghur Muslims


According to research published last week by Roth Capital Partners, more than 100 containers of modules -- representing about 30 to 35 megawatts total -- from a single company have been detained under the order since it went into placethough one of the investment bank’s sources said the real volume could be two to three times higherAccording to a trade attorney, the detained containers were from Chinese producer Jinko Solarwhich is among the companies alleged to be evading AD/CVD orders



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